
Role Of Gynaecologist To Empower

To Empower The Future Generation Through Adbhut Matrutva Garbhsanskar Project


Holistic Antenatal Care

Adbhut Matrutva


BK. Dr. Shubhada Neel


National Coordinator- Divine Mother Baby

Garbhsanskar Project

Medical Director – Neel Clinic Navi Mumbai

President – Divine Sanskar Research Foundation

Brahmakumaris/Dadi Jankiji



GOD cannot be everywhere and therefore GOD created MOTHER .”

MOTHER is an embodiment of love and care, through this love and care she makes her baby healthy and happy.



  • 'Health as a state of physical, mental and social well-being of an individual and not merely the absence of disease'.
  • Health is a dynamic process of harmony in the flow of spiritual, mental and physical energy.
  • Unfortunately present Antenatal care focuses mainly on physical health.
  • Equal importance to physical, mental, social and spiritual health of expectant mothers to make them Healthy and Happy.
  • Thus empowering the future generation of our nation to be healthy, happy and creative.




  • "Human-being" is derived from two Latin words, 'Humus' and 'Being'
  • Humus Means 'Body'
  • Being Means "Psyche" Or "Consciousness".

Holistic Health

As the "Human-being" is Multi-dimensional Similarly, Human Health Is Multi-dimensional, Mental, Emotional, Social And Spiritual Dimensions Are As Important As Physical

Mental Health

  • Mental health is not mere absence of mental illness, it is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities to cope with normal stressors of life.
  • Tension, Anger and Stress are increasing day by day.
  • During pregnancy such mental stress, directly or indirectly, influences the health of the mother and the foetus.

Effect Of Negative Thoughts


How ????



Neuroendocrine Pathway & Immune/inflammatory Pathway





Stress causes increase in the level of stress-hormone & has negative impact on pregnancy, leads to


Increased risk of premature delivery & low birth weight babies


Asymmetric Growth Retardation (IUGR)


Increase heart rate, blood pressure (PIH) & Preeclampsia


Life event stress and increased risk for chromosomally normal spontaneous abortion


Birth Defects & Malformations


Low Apgar Scores


More difficult labor and delivery increased LSCS



Harmful effects of stress

Infants, Toddlers and Adolescents suffer from many emotional and behavioural problems, such as


ADHD Effects on behavior


Autism, Dyslexia and Hyperactivity


Effects on cognition


Effects on mental health


Produce chronic anxiety during pregnancy


Increased developmental and behavioral problems in the child as a toddler and adolescent


Increased risk of developing depression & mental health problems in the mother later in life

Fetal Origins of Adult Disease (FOAD)

  • Researchers have also confirmed that babies exposed to nutritional and non nutritional stress, during critical periods of development are more prone to "Fetal Origins of Adult Disease".
  • Dr. David Barker first popularized the concept of "Fetal Origins Of Adult Disease".
  • A number of chronic diseases in adulthood such as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension and coronary heart disease may have their origins before birth.

Scientific evidence of wise life in utero

Science has evidences that foetus, in the womb can perceive and react to maternal environmental influences and thus has an effect on development of foetus.

  • Fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid at 12 wk of gestation and can develops tastes as experienced, only prenatally. Fetus favours its mother‟s meal and picks up the food taste culture in the womb itself. So, healthy food habit of expectant mother is necessary to develop the positive taste culture of child which is the root cause of many diseases.2
  • Foetal heart rate slows when the mother is speaking, suggesting that fetus not only hears and recognizes the sound, but calmed by it2. Fetus react to loud voice, prefers to mothers voice.
  • Foetus starts listening from six months within womb. Many pregnant women report a fetal jerk or kick just after a door slam. Medical advances in 3D ultra sound prove that these foetuses respond, positively or negatively, to outside voice.
  • Newborn prefers a story which was read repeatedly in the womb.
  • The nervous system develops fully from eight month onwards as they start thinking and memorizing the events3.

Abhimanyu Ashtavakra


The traumatic effect of loud noises and abuses on the foetus as well as effect of positivity

Vice-versa is also true


If the mother listens to relaxing music, in last trimester of pregnancy, the baby responds positively to the resonant sound and after birth when it is exposed to the same music it calmed down.

So, Thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the state of mind of the expectant mother affects the health of the mother as well as health and behaviour of the foetus.

Now the Question is

How expectant mothers can take care of their
mental, social & spiritual Health?

Effect of Positive Thoughts


Never theless, till date little attention has been paid to the pregnancy stress and on psychosocial resources like Meditation & Yoga for the well-being of mother and baby.

Therefore, with the goal of empowering the expectant mothers through scientific based methodology of yoga and meditation a program termed as “Adbhut Matrutva (Garbhsanskar)” was conceived.



  • Holistic Antenatal Care of the expectant mother and the developing foetus is popularly known as 'Garbhsanskar'.
  • Garbhsanskar means educating or training the mind of foetus.
  • The famous mythological story of Abimanyu beautifully depicts the meaning of Garbhsanskar.
  • Abimanyu learned the way to enter the "Chakravyuh" while in the womb.. Healthy life style adopted by pregnant mother, which is taught in "Garbhsanskar" also has great impact on their own health.

Pilot study was conducted with an integrated approach which uses a Holistic Antenatal Care, Satwik Diet, Exercises and Rajyoga Meditation during pregnancy and childbirth to bring about profound positive benefits for the mother and the new creation. Major component was stress management through meditation.

Adbhut Matrutva Rajyoga Meditation


Meditation Helps us to Create Positive Thoughts

Meditation and medicine these words have come from the Latin word "medri" which means "to heal".

Medication heals the body whereas Meditation heals the mind.

The vibrations of inner peace and silence that radiates from mind during meditation has positive effect on our physical body.

Rajyoga Meditation

"Yoga" means "union".

Rajyoga Meditation is the communion of inner self with supreme.

It is the Loveful remembrance of "Supreme".

It is the science and art of harmonizing spiritual, mental and physical energy through a connection with the ultimate source of spiritual energy called the "Supreme".

It is the state of soul consciousness and a positive life style.


Consciousness (the soul), is the meta- physical and primary system of energy
It has seven innate qualities viz. Bliss, knowledge, peace, love, happiness, purity and power (spiritual energy). This metaphysical energy acts through the mind „thoughts, judgements, feelings, emotions‟ and integrates with the biological energy of the body through the ner vous and endocrine system, thereby nourishing every cell of body.


7 Virtues of the Soul

We are what we need the most

  • Peace
    • Love
      • Happiness
      • Knowledge
      • Power
      • Purity
      • Bliss

Meditation helps to manage and practice positive thoughts, emotions, attitudes, memories (a positive T.E.A.M.) and the will to adhere to healthy diet, exercise, sleep, medication

It enhances positivity of an expectant mother, and reduces stress & it nourishes the foetus with spiritual energy by creating positive thoughts as fetus gets positive chemical signals through placenta. It decreases metabolic rate and lowers the heart rate.


It improves sleep and decreases stress hormones. During the process positive hormones like, endorphin and enkaphalin are secreted, which helps the expectant mothers to tolerate various types of pains during antenatal period as well as during labour.

By Practicing Rajyoga Meditation regularly with seven virtues in pregnancy,

  • We can find positive change in the mental and physical health of both mother and baby.
  • It is hypothesized that each virtue has a relation with par ticular system of the body.

Healthy Body – Through Seven Values




Rajyoga Meditation

  • Power to create
  • Power to communicate
  • Power to heal
  • Power to transform
  • Power to experience


  • Anger Free zone
  • Only love, peace & happiness zone to create beautiful future

Colors & Music Of Values For The Body Systems


Can You memorize the list of 7 objects in just 10 Seconds ?


All the Best

    • PATANG
      • AASMAAN
      • PANCHI
      • FLOWERS
      • CHILD
      • TILAK

Colors Of Values For The Body


Positive Thinking-Visualization

  • Visualisation can have a powerful effect on the capabilities of your body.
  • Research shows visualisation is more effective when we‟re in a relaxed state, so practising your visualisation in the morning just before you get up, or at night.
  • An effective way to tailor a visualisation to labour would be to address the specific concerns expectant mother has.
  • For example- she has to visualise herself strong and calm, breathing evenly and everything going smoothly. visualise her baby smoothly moving into place during labour and coming through the birth canal in the appropriate way.

Reading Books/Storybooks & Writing of Valuable Virtues/Values

A baby developing in the womb can become sensitive to her parents' sounds and touches; reading aloud provides a soothing sound for baby to tune into while resting and growing.


Fetal-Parent Bonding (Relations)

The attachment bond is the emotional connection formed by wordless communication between an infant and parents.

This form of communication affects the way your child develops mentally, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

Child‟s developing brain organizes itself to provide child with the best foundation for life

Programming The Fetus


Nutritious & Satwik Diet

  • As the Food- so the Mind, As the Mind so the Life
  • Satwik – Full of positive energy. (prepared & consumed in positive state of mind in Godly remembrance)
  • Balanced diet = Proteins + carbohydrates + fats + vitamins + minerals
  • Proper diet ensures foetal health and growth. A balanced diet prevents many foetal development anomalies.

Exercises & Yoga During Pregnancy Daily Sadhana




Stretching Exercise


Parvatasana Posture


Marjariasana the cat pose


Anuloma Viloma/ Pranayama




Holistic Antenatal Care Garbhsanskar

The mothers are advised...

  • To consume good nutritious diet, avoid spicy food and addictive substance.
  • Practice Asanas, Pranayama and sleep adequately.
  • A spiritual life style and morning meditation practice also alleviate stress.
  • It is also recommended to read good value books & story books & to do drawing for colour therapy.
  • Listen to positive verses and relaxing alpha music every morning throughout the pregnancy. Reading fiction novels and watching TV serials is inadvisable.
  • Reading out loud and healthy discussions between parents improves baby‟s memory.
  • These habits inculcate positive thinking in the mothers.


  • To validate the potential benefits of this integrated approach with Holistic antenatal care a pilot study was conducted.
  • The outcome results appears to be quiet rewarding, Marked reduction in PIH and IUGR during pregnancy, increased vaginal delivery rate Marked reduction in caesarian delivery, improved gestational age at delivery, increased number of babies with birth weight> 2.5 Kgs in study group as compared to control group.
  • So this study clearly gives an ample evidence to confirmed our hypothesis about efficacy of integrated approach / Healthy and happy 3 dimensional antenatal care in promoting Healthy mother and Healthy Baby.

"Holistic Antenatal Care is safe, relatively cheap to implement & would reduce the costs of long ter m health care, through Team work that is Gynaecologists, Physiotherapists & Meditation Exper ts coming together."

  • Holistic ANC care Should be a part of ANC care in Govt and private setup
  • Par t of training of all antenatal health care providers. They should heal themselves to enhance their healing power so as to heal others.
  • Par t of medical education/curriculum (Ayur veda, unani, siddha, homoeopathy)(Ayush) Allopathy – MBBS of OBGY training
  • All expectant mothers during 6 months of maternity leave, should undertake Garbhsanskar training. Education should begin from womb.

Adbhut Matrutva Programme – Holistic Antenatal Care

1st Session – Orientation Session

  • The gynaecologist informs the par ticipants the benefits of the entire Adbhut Matrutva Garbhsanskar program Holistic Antenatal care)
  • Impor tance of physical mental & emotional empowerment is explained.

2nd Session

  • Stress, Anger Management and Positive Thinking, Value Empowerment, Rajyoga Meditation, Antenatal physical & breathing exercises and then journey continues……..
  • The participants are empowered with tips and techniques to overcome anger. How to manage stress and how to become positive throughout the day.
  • Mother is taught the importance of values and how it can do wonders for the mother and the baby.
  • Various techniques to shower the baby with values of Bliss, Knowledge, Peace, Love, Happiness, Purity and Power is taught to the expectant mother.

The main efforts were empowerment of the expectant mothers with intervention and education on antenatal problems in both mother and baby and how they, themselves can control the problems.


Divine Garbhsanskar Kit/Website/Books/DVDs/Training



Divine Garbhsanskar

  • Book/Booklet E/H/M Gift

Divine Mother Baby Classes

  • Dr .Shubhada Neel Neel Clinic New Panvel Maharashtra

Permission letter for implementation of DMB project in Maharashtra by

  1. Public health dept
  2. Ayush national health mission.
  3. National level programme with FOGSI
  • Lets join hands together to fulfill the dream of the Almighty to create children who have the personality of purity & divinity.
  • To create a perfect World, a perfect Bharat, a perfect Society, a perfect family by creating a perfect child.

We dream of a world that is full of Joy, Peace, Bliss, Health, Wealth & Happiness and certainly NATURE full of Tranquility

Take Home Message

  • Stress during pregnancy, directly or indirectly affects the mother's health, harms the foetus‟s growth and affects the health of Infant, Toddler, Adolescent and Adult.
  • In this fast paced stressful world, calming music, good books and positive thinking are very important for improving mental and social health.
  • Practice of meditation and yoga during pregnancy are the impor tant tools, to achieve spiritual health; they help alleviate stress and improve mother's health and pregnancy outcome.
  • Keeping all the benefits of meditation in mind, it‟s my humble & sincere request that all Antenatal Health care providers they themselves should practice the technique of meditation to remain in a state of peace and tranquility thereby experiencing its healing power & should provide holistic antenatal care including meditation, to expectant mothers in their antenatal clinics.

BK. Dr. Shubhada Neel

